Do you love puzzles? Video games? Spy movies? Hanging out with your friends? All of the above? Well you  should check out Granite State Escape. After hearing about the growing popularity of escape rooms, Pamela and her husband decided to create one for New Hampshire. We had a great time talking about the current escapes […]

Do you love puzzles? Video games? Spy movies? Hanging out with your friends? All of the above? Well you  should check out Granite State Escape. After hearing about the growing popularity of escape rooms, Pamela and her husband decided to create one for New Hampshire. We had a great time talking about the current escapes and the plans for the future. We also had a great time reminding everyone how well Dome did when he tried to escape the room!

After the guest, we had a short news segment that started with the forthcoming His Dark Materials Miniseries. Then we rambled for a bit, as we often do, into talking about Star Trek and Gotham.

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