RIP Malachi Throne Did you see Doug Jones sing on The Neighbors? Hawkeye Initiative cosplay lets the guys show off their rears for a change The Death Star Explosion was an “inside job”. Zombie perfume Warm Bodies Peter Jackson offers to direct an episode of Doctor Who…for free Help rebuild Cobra Island on Kickstarter Poll: […]

Michael Laine

RIP Malachi Throne
Did you see Doug Jones sing on The Neighbors?
Hawkeye Initiative cosplay lets the guys show off their rears for a change
The Death Star Explosion was an “inside job”.
Zombie perfume
Warm Bodies
Peter Jackson offers to direct an episode of Doctor Who…for free
Help rebuild Cobra Island on Kickstarter
Poll: which is your favorite Wizard of Oz spinoff?

Tonight’s guest is Michael Laine of the Liftport project. He tells us about the history of the project, their future goals, and his very successful Kickstarter campaign.

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