Happy 121st birthday, Mr. Tolkien! – Jan 3, 1892 We saw the Hobbit and had a Tea Party Honest Trailer for LOTR JJ Abrams says he’s not interested in Star Wars Dr. Who Christmas Special Our two week poll – What is your favorite Richard Matheson Story/Script? RIP Gerry Anderson Peter Parker Dies Timothy Zahn’s […]

Happy 121st birthday, Mr. Tolkien! – Jan 3, 1892
We saw the Hobbit and had a Tea Party
Honest Trailer for LOTR
JJ Abrams says he’s not interested in Star Wars
Dr. Who Christmas Special
Our two week poll – What is your favorite Richard Matheson Story/Script?
RIP Gerry Anderson
Peter Parker Dies
Timothy Zahn’s New Star Wars Novel, Scoundrels
Is Twin Peaks coming back?
AMC will re-air all 18 Walking Dead episodes in black and white

No guest tonight! Instead, enjoy our in-depth discussion of The Hobbit and all the other cool stuff we liked this week.


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