Mary Poppins vs. Voldemort in the Event That Shall Not Be Named opening ceremony Alphas and Warehouse 13 kick ass in return. Terry Gilliam’s daughter discovers dad’s originals Chakotay regrets Voyager. SPOILER: Spoilers are good for you Jon Stewart Blasts Viacom For Stupid Blackout Flaming Carrot Kickstarter project! Z*CON  pennies away from funding goal. R.I.P. Sally […]

Mary Poppins vs. Voldemort in the Event That Shall Not Be Named opening ceremony
Alphas and Warehouse 13 kick ass in return.
Terry Gilliam’s daughter discovers dad’s originals
Chakotay regrets Voyager.
SPOILER: Spoilers are good for you
Jon Stewart Blasts Viacom For Stupid Blackout
Flaming Carrot Kickstarter project!
Z*CON  pennies away from funding goal.
R.I.P. Sally Ride
RIP Dr. Who companion Mary Tamm
Poll:  What’s the worst sci-fi film of all time?

This week’s guest is Rhiannon McCullough, creator of the webcomic Broken Windmills. We discussed her not-steampunk-but-kinda-like-steampunk webcomics and got the inside scoop on her (unfortunately paused) zombie musical project.

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