Welcome to the Sci-Fi Roundtable podcast, the show for fans of all things science fiction and fantasy.

Shane Thomas reads an excerpt of With Our Dying Breath by Aaron Kavli.

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Connect with Aaron Kavli here: https://arkavli.com/




Shane Thomas’s series Anki Legacies, his comedic serialized metafiction Parodia, world building articles, TONS of book reviews, book club chat videos with authors, free multi-author mashup stories, and a conspiracy theory blog all live in: www.ScienceFantasyHub.com


Edited by Jon Cronshaw

Jon Cronshaw is the author of the Wasteland series, Blind Gambit, and The Ravenglass Chronicles.

Jon's Author Diary podcast is at www.joncronshaw.libsyn.com.

Website: joncronshaw.com.

Support Jon on Patreon where he posts short stories, articles, and podcasts. Visit patreon.com/joncronshawauthor.

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