Welcome to the Sci-Fi Roundtable podcast, the show for fans of all things science fiction and fantasy.

Damon Ballard, D. M. Rasch, Scott Tarbet. Eric Klein, Greg Kojac, and Marjorie King discuss quantum entanglement in SF.

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Scifi Roundtable, the writer’s group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scifiroundtable/

Reading the Roundtable of Science Fiction and Fantasy, the reader’s group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/330870181072264/

Find Scott Tarbet’s works at: http://scotttarbet.timp.net

D. M. Rasch can be found on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/deanna-m-rasch, Facebook at Itinerant Creative Content & Coaching, and on her Amazon author page.

Eric Klein’s website and book link are: www.ericlklein.com  and http://amazon.com/One-Cruise-Through-Solar-System-ebook/dp/B079P6NQ6T/

Catch up with Greg Krojac here:

Website: https://www.gregkrojac.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KrojacGreg

Purchase The Girl with Acrylic Eyes: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C1N3L5Q

Damon Ballard can be found at all these places:

Website: http://dcballard.com/

Blog: https://ascensionnovel.wixsite.com/scribblings

FB Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/D.C.BALLARD.Author/

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AscensionNovel/

Find Marjorie King's work here:


website: www.EngineerStoryteller.com

Edited by Jon Cronshaw

Jon Cronshaw is the author of the Wasteland series, Blind Gambit, and The Ravenglass Chronicles.

Jon's Author Diary podcast is at www.joncronshaw.libsyn.com.

Website: joncronshaw.com.

His non-fiction books The Stoic Writer and Podcasting for Authors are out now on Kindle and Paperback.

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