Tara BM Smith, PhD Candidate - The Department of Studies of Religion, The University of Sydney, can be found here: https://sydney.academia.edu/TaraSmith

Or tune into her SF/Philosophy/Gaming podcast which can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/warpedzonepodcast/

Fill out the SF author survey here: http://surveymonkey.com/rmly7ln


Damon Ballard can be found at all these places:

Website: http://dcballard.com/ 

Blog: https://ascensionnovel.wixsite.com/scribblings 

FB Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/D.C.BALLARD.Author/ 

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AscensionNovel/ 

Amazon ebook: http://mybook.to/ChaosFountain  

Amazon Print: http://mybook.to/ChaosFountainPrnt 

Barnes&Nobel ebook: http://bit.ly/CF_BandN 

Kobo ebook: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/chaos-fountain 

Smashwords ebook: http://bit.ly/CF_Smash 


Connect with Stephanie Barr on all of these wonderful sites:

Website: http://stephanieebarr.us/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/stephanieebarr

Twitter: @stephanieebarr

Writing Blog: http://stephanie-barr.blogspot.com

Newsletter signup: http://eepurl.com/dqUBxn

FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CatsandDragons/


Scifi Roundtable, the writer’s group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scifiroundtable/

Reading the Roundtable of Science Fiction and Fantasy, the reader’s group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/330870181072264/


Shane Thomas’s series Anki Legacies, his comedic serialized metafiction Parodia, world building articles, TONS of book reviews, book club chat videos with authors, free multi-author mashup stories, and a conspiracy theory blog all live in: www.ScienceFantasyHub.com


Edited by Jon Cronshaw

Jon Cronshaw is the author of the Wasteland series, Blind Gambit, and The Ravenglass Chronicles.

Jon's Author Diary podcast is at www.joncronshaw.libsyn.com.

Website: joncronshaw.com.

Support Jon on Patreon where he posts short stories, articles, and podcasts. Visit patreon.com/joncronshawauthor