Welcome to the Sci-Fi Roundtable podcast, the show for fans of all things science fiction and fantasy.

Shane Thomas and Aryl Shanti are joined by Aaron Kavli to talk about combat in sci-fi and fantasy.

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Scifi Roundtable, the writer’s group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scifiroundtable/

Reading the Roundtable of Science Fiction and Fantasy, the reader’s group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/330870181072264/


Connect with Aaron Kavli here: https://arkavli.com/




Scifi Roundtable, the writer’s group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scifiroundtable/

Reading the Roundtable of Science Fiction and Fantasy, the reader’s group on Facebook:

Aryl Shanti (published as Lyra Shanti) is a novelist, editor, poet, playwright, and songwriter who currently lives in Florida with partner and spouse, Timothine, and their two insane cats. A lover of nature, animals, anime, music, theatre, movies, myths, and of course, great books, Aryl seeks inspiration from everywhere possible.


Author of the award-winning science fantasy series, Shiva XIV, Aryl is a dreamer of worlds far away. More books include The Artist, a wild tale of love, madness, and redemption, as well as The Rainbow Serpent, a re-imagining of Adam and Eve. Further information about Lyra's stories, music, and more can be found at lyrashanti.com.


Shane Thomas’s series Anki Legacies, his comedic serialized metafiction Parodia, world building articles, TONS of book reviews, book club chat videos with authors, free multi-author mashup stories, and a conspiracy theory blog all live in: www.ScienceFantasyHub.com


Edited by Jon Cronshaw

Jon Cronshaw is the author of the Wasteland series, Blind Gambit, and The Ravenglass Chronicles.

Jon's Author Diary podcast is at www.joncronshaw.libsyn.com.

Website: joncronshaw.com.

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