Welcome to Schooling Noah with Aaron Maslow and a Special Guest. This week’s episode is all about our guest’s new book and book tour. Mimi Hayes is a published author and comedian who is currently residing in New York. Her book, I’ll Be Ok, It’s Just a Hole in My Head, is based on her experience dealing with the trauma and recovery of having a mass of cells form on her brain. After dealing with the...

We need this like a hole in the head.

Welcome to Schooling Noah with Aaron Maslow and a Special Guest. This week’s episode is all about our guest’s new book and book tour. Mimi Hayes is a published author and comedian who is currently residing in New York. Her book, I’ll Be Ok, It’s Just a Hole in My Head, is based on her experience dealing with the trauma and recovery of having a mass of cells form on her brain. After dealing with the end of a long term relationship, surgeries and recovery, Mimi found a path forward and shares her message with us! While it is uncertain why the clump of cells formed, it is certain that she has a sense of humor about it. She is wonderfully delightful!

Noah and Aaron also cover topics like Noah’s bus ride, the heat of New York, high school and bullies. This is a really fun episode and Mimi is great. Go out an buy her book at Mutiny Info Cafe or get a copy over at her website www.mimihayes.com


Mimi is also on Twitter @MimiHayesBrain1

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