I had a long conversation with a very prominent, and highly awarded Teacher. We had an interesting conversation about the growing topic of childhood ADHD. Our thoughts were aligned when it came to the misdiagnosis of ADHD. Our theory is that many kids are being misdiagnosed simply because they cannot sit still and/or conform to our rigid system. We discussed how kids can be a victim of the system. Our system should not be producing victims. Our system should be uplifting students.

In this discussion him and I both agreed that students should be given more choice and ownership. Kids are treated as if their emotions and feelings don't matter. Why? If they come into a classroom with some anxiety and they "can't sit still", they put themselves on the radar for seeing a therapist and being diagnosed with ADHD. If the child is diagnosed with a supposedly disorder for not sitting still and being a bit impulsive they get placed on a treatment program and/or medication. This has happened to roughly 6 million kids in our country. These statistics do not sound like a country of freedom, giving it's citizens the opportunity to pursue happiness. 

We must change the mentality of kids being placed on treatment programs and medication. Big Pharma wants your child on medication. Big Pharma does not care about your child's true feelings, and creativity and ability to overcome. Big Pharma wants your child to take a pill. Big Pharma is concerned with a bottom line. Do not trust Big Pharma with the development of your child. Give your child's brain an opportunity to develop before you start pumping it with meds. 

That's just my 2 cents. Take a listen and let me know your respectful thoughts.