[School of Movies 2024]

He's responsible for some of the most adored and industry-changing films of all time, and for some of the biggest cases of fan backlash ever recorded. It's maybe a little harder to remember now, after year upon year of Disney's Star Wars being declared the worst thing that has ever been put to screen, but a few years earlier, similar guys were saying similar things about the man that many fans wish had never sold to America's Mousy Spirit of Capitalism.

What we have for you here is a focused collection of monologues drawn from commentaries across all six of the movies he was directly in charge of, bringing you from Star Wars in 1977 all the way to Revenge of the Sith in 2005. The cumulative effect of listening to George say one thing and then seem to contradict himself down the line, regarding what was planned and when gives way to the portrait of a frustrated storyteller hoping to be understood.

These moments are interspersed with monologues from his production teams, including Empire Strikes Back director, his mentor Irvin Kirshner, Empire and Jedi writer Lawrence Kasdan, FX master craftsman Dennis Muren, animation director Rob Coleman, producer Rick McCallum, concept artist Ralph McQuarrie and the irreplaceable Carrie Fisher.