This episode is brought to you by Patreon sponsor Kevin Hardy!

Today I am joined by former students (and now full time comedians) Jonnie W. and Brian Bates. We frequently hangout and run jokes and ideas past each others. I thought we should record this and let you in on the process. It's not rocket science. But, it is insightful to see how different people find humor in different areas of a premise.

The premise is the absolute most important part of your joke. It is the horse that the laughs rode in on. It is the structure that the bit is built upon. It's the tree limb that helps bear the fruit of funny.

After we clarify our premises we walk through ideas for punch lines, tags and other sub-premises that the idea can lead to. It is a fun time.


I am looking for a few listeners who have new premises they would like to brainstorm. If you have the ability to RECORD your set, I would love to have you on the show! We will brainstorm over a Google Hangout, then you will need to bring back an audio clip within two weeks to include in the show.

Next week we will follow up with results from this session. We each will bring in a recording of the joke in front of a live audience. After we listen we will trouble shoot any dead spots and see if we can add some more to each joke.

We welcome your input and ideas as well. Feel free to send any ideas for these jokes to [email protected] and I'll pass it along to the fellas.

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