Today I am joined by one of my students "Straussie". Straussie took the Stand-Up Comedy Level One: Writing class back in February. Then he followed through with the Level Two: Performance Class and the Business of Comedy Class. I could tell right away this guy doesn't mess around. He is serious about things and is now nine months into stand-up comedy.

We talk a little about his growing up in Australia and his move ten years or so ago to America to pursue the music business. He is still part of that industry as a production manager for a country music artist. That job has served him well as he has made many connections with folks who are gifted in a variety of skills that compliment his development as a comedian.

We talk about the ups and downs and challenges of getting yourself started in the world of stand-up comedy. Specifically, we talk about:

Taking the comedy writing class and seeing what goes into being a great comedian Utilizing friendships and connections to help with his web site Using SquareSpace to host his site Hiring a rock and roll photographer to shoot his pictures Using a white background so he could easily photoshop them Hiring out his graphics through Fiverr One message his site is sending that he didn't see coming The challenge of finding time for everything that goes into stand-up Producing his own comedy show "Straussie With Mates" in Nashville The benefit of hosting that show The format and the style of the show How he promoted the show and how many turned out What he learned form the experience The importance of creating deadlines Parkinson's Law and how it applies to the comedy business Developing his YouTube channel, uploading videos What he learned at the CLEAN COMEDY CONFERENCE in San Diego Some advice he got that he needs to now implement What he has planned for the remainder of the year

and a whole lot more!

This episode is brought to you by PATREON SPONSOR CHELLE BAXTER and by Audible. Visit for a free audio download and 3o day trial!



"Club 52" is a 52 week, email based stand-up program. It will include a weekly challenge designed to help you become a better comedian. This year long program will feature an email every Friday from me. I will ask you to take a serious look at some of your business practices, writing processes, performance techniques, branding, marketing and a whole lot more.

The program starts the week you join and continues for 52 weeks as long as you are still supporting the podcast through Patreon at the $7 a month level.

Questions? Email me (Rik) at [email protected]. Or call 1-888-895-8549. Or. if you are ready, head on over to to get started.