Facebook Fan Page Strategies

Would you like to know how one listener took his Facebook fan page from 1500 to 40,000 likes? I thought so! I first met Bob Moher a couple of years ago in Texas. As we knocked back some brisket tacos, he told me he had been getting into Facebook marketing. This was intimidating. Bob was in his sixties and knew more than this 40 something would ever understand about Facebook. Bob told me about boosting posts, driving up his fan page “likes”, and getting some outhouse people to attend his shows. He even created a Facebook page to hep others learn how to go about it: Using Facebook To Market Your Comedy .

I was intriqued. But I didn’t like the idea of paying 5-10 dollars a day to boost my posts just to increase likes on my Facebook fan page. Bob didn’t either, and he discovered a system for “sharing” his and others memes to get maximum results. No boost budget necessary. Today, Bob is kind enough to share his sharing tips with us. These same strategies have taken his fan page likes form 1500 to over 40,000. Boom! That is no small accomplishment.

I’ve been following Bob’s progress and knew I had to share him with you!

We cover a lot of ground in this episode. Specifically we talk about:

How to stop boosting and start sharing your memes for maximum engagement How watching a Holly Homer Youtube Video changed everything Why its “Hip” to be square on your Facebook fan page The proper dimensions for making the meme most sharable Why he prefers to use a simple background vs a photo in the background How you can you drive traffic to your website with a meme Using memes to create merchandise The best share ratio of your memes and other people’s memes The best share frequency to generate results for your Facebook fan page Why Bob likes to use https://www.picmonkey.com

and a whole lot more.

You can learn more about Bob Moher at:


His Facebook FAN PAGE

and of course, visit the Using Facebook To Market Your Comedy page to see all this in action.


In order to reach a bigger audience you need partners. When it comes to a video partner, you have to partner with FunnyandAmen.com  Funny&Amen has over 20 years experience producing, directing, and shooting feature films, commercials, and LIVE recordings and is now producing clean comedy content.  The team at Funny&Amen recently filmed me and it’s some of the best video I have to promote my business. Check out the work of Kevin Hackenberg and his team at FunnyAndAmen.com .


“Club 52” is a 52 week, email based stand-up program. It will include a weekly challenge designed to help you become a better comedian. This year long program will feature an email every Friday from me. I will ask you to take a serious look at some of your business practices, writing processes, performance techniques, branding, marketing and a whole lot more.

The program starts the week you join and continues for 52 weeks as long as you are still supporting the podcast through Patreon at the $7 a month level.

Questions? Email me (Rik) at [email protected]. Or call 1-888-895-8549. Or, if you are ready, head on over to www.Patreon.com/SchoolOfLaughs to get started.