Comedian Andy Hendrickson started out by taking a comedy class and kept the pedal to the metal all the way up to his appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman.
Andy is a smart, clever comic with a laser focused delivery on stage. We discuss the sacrifices you make to go full time, finding time to write and carving out some time to sample the local beverages and museums. 
@AndyHendrickson on twitter
Andy’s Letterman Set:


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Comedian Andy Hendrickson started out by taking a comedy class and kept the pedal to the metal all the way up to his appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman.
Andy is a smart, clever comic with a laser focused delivery on stage. We discuss the sacrifices you make to go full time, finding time to write and carving out some time to sample the local beverages and museums. 
@AndyHendrickson on twitter
Andy’s Letterman Set:


If you enjoy this PODCAST please subscribe in iTunes or STITCHER and leave a comment and ranking.

Better yet, subscribe to the monthly School of Laughs “Insider Tips” monthly email by opting in at and get exclusive information delivered right to your inbox. It’s fast, free useful and fun.
Email: [email protected] and put “insider tip sheet” in the subject header. I’ll make sure you get the official tip sheet and I promise to keep your email anonymous and spam free.