Many people are caught in the trap of finding a balance between their personal and professional lives. This pressure is prevalent in corporate America, where workers often feel as if they are being pulled in multiple directions every day. Parents struggle to balance work and family, leaving little time for friends or hobbies outside their home. While this type of schedule may be impossible to avoid entirely, those who manage their time well live longer and have healthier overall lifestyles that benefit them both at work and home.

One of the reasons people who find balance in their lives are healthier overall is that they have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A balanced individual also tends to be happier, which leads to less depression and stress. When a person is more comfortable at home, they tend to perform better at work, which results in more promotions and pay raises. This cycle of success can be highly beneficial in the workplace, where a person with higher-level management skills is more productive.

While finding a balance between work and personal life may seem like an impossible task to those unfamiliar with time-management techniques, there are ways to make this balance more realistic. Making small changes such as leaving work on time every day, setting deadlines and sticking to them, taking lunch breaks instead of eating at the desk, or even scheduling one night a week to be “date night” with your significant other can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.

If you feel like your life is always on the go and if you're stressed out right now because of it, then join Sarah Engstrom and me as we share some practical advice on how to create more balance in your work and life!

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