I am graced in the studio today with my Album Club 500 co-host Twenty-Seven! She inflicts her sponsored Tweetured Feat upon me, and we talk a lot about a Magfest favorite of hers and some beautiful disasters of art, writing, and weirdly a lot of pretty benign drug talk. Your Twitter Goodfollow is @icetsvu. Schatz Fired's Theme Song is AGeD written by Rand Bellavia and Adam English and performed by Ookla the Mok.

I am graced in the studio today with my Album Club 500 co-host Twenty-Seven! She inflicts her sponsored Tweetured Feat upon me, and we talk a lot about a Magfest favorite of hers and some beautiful disasters of art, writing, and weirdly a lot of pretty benign drug talk.

Your Twitter Goodfollow is @icetsvu.

Schatz Fired's Theme Song is AGeD written by Rand Bellavia and Adam English and performed by Ookla the Mok.