The work of cosumers is so under-appreciated ... They toil for hours, custom-fitting extra-specialized clothing for performers that are going to put their clothing through a serious workout. They rush to meet deadlines, please everyone ... and suffer the occasional needle sticks, burns and glitter accident for their efforts.

It's time you meet the magicians whose talent and dedication make it possible for you to see a colorful display of fantasy fashion in live SCERA performances year-round!

Guests: Deborah Bowman, Kelsey Seaver, and Danielle Berry

Hosts: Rachael Gibson and Quin Swallow

Costume shop wizards, from left: Kelsey Seaver, Danielle Berry, and Deborah Bowman

A sample of the costume shop's work: A dress for The Queen of Hearts

Deborah Bowman describes her work in the costume shop

This miniature iron gets into tight places