Last week, you heard Allison Books (Ursula the Sea Witch) and Shawn Mortensen (Director, The Little Mermaid) talk about how they learned of Lily, a girl with a serious heart condition and a thing for Disney characters with purple skin like her own, namely Ursula from The Little Mermaid ... and how the cast of last year's Mermaid production arranged to bring Lily and her mother to Utah to meet her 'evil' idol.

This week, Allison and Shawn talk about Lily's visit to Utah, and meeting ... face-to-face ... the girl who dared to love a sea witch.

Lily and her mother meet Ursula, Flotsam and Jetsam.

Video message from Allison and Shawn to Lily

Video response from Lily in hospital

Lily, with a part of her Ursula collection

Guests: Allison Books, Shawn Mortensen

Hosts: Rachael Gibson, Quin Swallow