Garrett Smit is a jerk ... but only on stage. Between the foreman in Les Mis, the dad in Footloose, and George Banks in Mary Poppins, Garrett has had a lot of experience playing the grumpy curmudgeon. Thankfully, Garrett is far nicer and approachable in real life, though he admits he could easily relate to Mr. Banks in many ways. This week we'll share part of our conversation with Garrett, and you'll easily see why we like him so much.

Also, we can't Ask Kelsey this week ... she's in Europe. But we get questions all the time about SCERA. Today, we answer a few of them!

Guest: Garrett Smit

Hosts: Rachael Gibson & Quin Swallow

Recording this week's episode with Garrett (left), Rachael (middle),
and talking head Jake (right, on the laptop).