Previous Episode: The Glass Is Dirty

Josh's sermon emphasizes the concept of true strength as taught by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. He explains that real strength lies not in retaliation or physical prowess, but in restraint, humility, and the ability to offer oneself to others. This offering involves love, tenderness, and affection towards family, friends, co-workers, and Jesus himself. He discusses the modern challenge of being overwhelmed with information and the inability to fix every problem, suggesting that the solution lies in self-offering. Josh connects this to the Beatitudes, focusing on 'blessed are the peacemakers,' and the importance of knowing God to truly be called His children. He uses personal anecdotes to illustrate his journey of understanding and accepting God's affection, highlighting the transformative power of this realization. He concludes by urging men to embrace their roles as affectionate and giving figures, overcoming cultural expectations to find true fulfillment in God's love.