In this episode, Rachael and Kirsty discuss the following news:

- 'The Rise of Kylo Ren' comic book details revealed
- Ewan McGregor sheds light on his upcoming Obi-Wan series
- Kelly Marie Tran talks Rose Tico's role in TROS

Kirsty and Rachael then give over the bulk of the episode to a detailed breakdown of the trailer for 'The Rise of Skywalker'. They dissect it shot by shot (and, in relation to the voiceover, line by line!), attempting to figure out the story the trailer is selling and having particular fun delving into the more spectacular sequences (that confrontation among the waves, guys!).

Many thanks to Christy Carew for the Scavenger's Hoard theme, and Nemling for our artwork.

If you have any questions for Rachael and Kirsty, please email them to [email protected]