Published in The Hill; January 4th, 2022.  

Written by Opinion Contributor Marik Von Rennenkampff: "UFOs, the Channel Islands, and the Navy's 'Drone Swarm' Mystery".

Anyone with moderate intellect who has done even minimal objective research into the UFO/UAP phenomena over the last eight decades has known that UFOs are real, and SOME of them are "not of this Earth". It doesn't matter what you think, feel, or want to believe about this topic. It's been a reality that you need to come to terms with. One way or another. It's the biggest and most important story in all of human history, yet most people choose to look away and pretend it's not there.  

"Some of us know better, and are allowed to see... if it were us watching them, would you want to land? Would you think that was wise? They see who we are, and who we can be. We are a curiosity and a concern - worth keeping from reaching their stars."