Welcome to Scatterbrain Podcast - Episode 87: Glitches In The Matrix. 

Thanks for hanging tough through a pretty brutally sad period for Ian. But, life is a tragic comedy, and Scatterbrains have to find and create happiness and joy whenever and wherever they can. Grief can't destroy a Scatterbrain! Thank you all for listening and supporting us. It means everything to us!

First we blather about the Mars Curiosity Rover, a correction from last episode about Aaron Rodgers, and what would happen if every person on Earth jumped into the oceans of the world.

Then we review the new album "Malignant Reality" from the New Jersey trio Replicant.

And finally, we have a fun discussion on so-called glitches in the matrix. De Ja Vu, missing time, premonitions, synchronicity, birds and airplanes frozen in mid-air, and Dan and Ian's own experiences with odd and inexplicable happenings. Welcome to the simulation. Get used to it.

This was a really fun episode to record. We hope you enjoy it! 

Scatterbrain Podcast with Ian and Dan. Available on all major platforms that support podcasts, as well as Twitter and Instagram.

I love you Stan.