Welcome one and all to Scatterbrain Podcast Episode 135: Space Race Part 3.

In our final installment of our Space Race series we talk about Werner Von Braun, the Nazi SS Officer who was captured by the The United States military at the end of WWII and brought to the U.S.A. with thousands of other German scientists under Operation Paperclip. He and his group of scientists were instrumental in bringing the U.S. victory in the the Space Race by designing and building the giant Saturn V rocket that took men to the Moon and back... nine times! Twice to orbit the Moon and test systems and procedures, twice with Apollos 11 and 12 ( when men first walked on the Moon ), one near-catastrophe with Apollo 13, then four more missions with successful landings! That's 24 humans that left Earth orbit and traveled to the Moon and back ( 3 astronauts went twice, if you're doing the math )! Twelve Americans walked on the Moon and came home safely! And it would not have been possible without the genius and vision of one man in particular: Werner Von Braun. But, he had blood on his hands, and he never paid for his crimes as part of one of the most evil regimes in human history. Was it worth it? Is turning your back on your morals, ideals, and humanity justified if it helps to best your hated and feared rival? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? No matter now. The United States won that bitch straight up! Ha! Suck it Soviet Union! Losers!

We also review yet another Texas death-metal outfit called Tribal Gaze, and their freshman offering, "The Nine Choirs".   

Thanks for all your support, everyone! We really do work hard to keep this going every week. For the metal. For the bands. New and old. Thrash is a lifestyle, and us two old fucks are proof of that! 

Catch us wherever you consume podcasts, as well as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and some other place... I forgot. I'm tired. 

(c) 2022 Scatterbrain Productions.
