Welcome to Scatterbrain Podcast - Episode 119: UFOs in the Atomic Age.


If you are "a believer", then good on you. You will enjoy this episode. If not, then you really need to listen because these facts of history will change your mind. You'll enjoy the conversation regardless.

Thanks for spending your time with us everyone! If you are new to the madness, welcome! We truly appreciate all of our listeners.

First off though, we blather a bit about Dan's new friend, "The Algorithm", deep-sleepers, and a new upcoming project from Powertrip's guitarist, Blake Ibanez. Then we top it off by reviewing the long awaited new album, "Watch You Burn", by Florida's respected thrashers, Intoxicated.


Please read the book "UFOs and Nukes", and the subsequent documentary by Robert Hastings. It's extensively researched and thoroughly engrossing.

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"Scatterbrain Podcast with Ian and Dan"

(c) 2022 Scatterbrain Productions.

Always, Zoe and Stanley. We love and miss you both.