Welcome to Scatterbrain Podcast Episode 112: Drowned In Sleep/Lucid Dreaming.

We review yet ANOTHER Brazilian band, Drowned, and their new album, "Recipe Of Hate". Then, we talk about some of our favorite albums from past reviews. Thrash is more than just a musical style, it's lifestyle.

Our topic this week is dreams and dreaming. More specifically, lucid dreaming. Is it really something that we can all do? When you are dreaming, have you ever realized in the dream that you are in fact dreaming? And if so, are you one of those who claim that they can consciously control themselves, and even the path and outcome of the dream? Sounds impossible, but first hand accounts of this ability go back hundreds, even thousands of years. It's an interesting conversation the 'Brains had about the mystery of dreams and dreaming. 

Thank you for listening everyone! And always remember: it's good to be a Scatterbrain!

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"Scatterbrain Podcast With Ian and Dan"

(c)2022 Scatterbrain Productions.
