The power of Flash compels you to witness "The Exorcism of Nash Wells". Nash continues to be controlled by Eobard Thawne, Flash's speed continues to dwindle, and a new mirrored Kamilla helps Eva McCulloch to get her prismatic refractor before Sunshine gets it. The team has a lot to worry about. Cisco thinks he can exorcise Thawne from Wells but ultimately it's going to have to be Nash that faces his inner demons to get rid of the vindictive speedster. The new meta threat named Sunshine and working with Black Hole, is after a tool that Eva made. Joe tries to put it in ARGUS's hands before the CCPD mole gets to it. Without his speed, how will Barry stop it from falling in the wrong hands? Jay and Josh are in desperate need of an old priest and a young priest on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!