Flash runs like "A Flash of the Lightning" this week as tries to discover the possibilities his tragic future may bring. After Monitor told him that he has to die in order for the universe to survive, Barry tries to run into the Speed Force to one day after he supposedly disappears. But there is an antimatter barrier blocking him from any possibility of getting there. Luckily he is able to contact Jay Garrick on Earth-3 for a mental trip to a billion possibilities. The result isn't pretty. It knocks Barry out pretty good as he sees death and destruction with no hope for him. As he contemplates what this all means, the team tries to solve the mystery of a meta named Allegra Garcia, who is on trial for murder. But Cecile believes her to be innocent, which leads them to the powerful menace calling herself Ultraviolet. Jay and Josh wear funny metal helmets as they try to contemplate a universe without a Big Belly Burger on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!