"News Flash", you can get a lot of hits on a blog if your cell phone has been imbued with dark matter. That's what Spencer Young is doing to become one of the most popular writers in Central City. She gets the jump on everyone with the big stories, because she controls people's minds to create the big stories. Nora won't hear about it though. She's enamored with Spencer's blog, and doesn't want to listen to Iris when she says they need to stop her. And when XS herself gets whammied, Iris takes the lead and knocks her out. That brings up an interesting issue the mother and daughter have had in the past...well, future. Sherloque reluctantly follows Ralph in his quest for clues about Cicada's identity and is shocked when he actually turns some up. It all could be connected when the team realizes that their latest threat turns out to be newly created Meta-Tech that anyone can take advantage of. Jay and Josh anxiously count the hits of their latest blog on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!