Previous Episode: #98 – Pull the Lever!
Next Episode: #100 – Level Up!

Our group of adventurers continue their journey in the D&D campaign “The Dungeon of Doom” Characters of this campaign include: Brack the Deep Gnome Paladin (Eric), Diana the Aasimar Fighter (Lindsay), Brokkr the Dwarf Cleric (Kyle), Murgatroyd the Kenku Warlock (Stephen), and Luke is our fearless DM. #99 – Bounding on Birb Legs Highlights include:1. … Continue reading #99 – Bounding on Birb Legs

Our group of adventurers continue their journey in the D&D campaign “The Dungeon of Doom”

Characters of this campaign include: Brack the Deep Gnome Paladin (Eric), Diana the Aasimar Fighter (Lindsay), Brokkr the Dwarf Cleric (Kyle), Murgatroyd the Kenku Warlock (Stephen), and Luke is our fearless DM.

#99 – Bounding on Birb Legs

Highlights include:
1. We begin after picking up the last glyph stone and proceed to a new area that has tile mosaics and massive iron doors.
2. As Brokker and Murg inspect the mosaic the wall disappears to reveal 2 golems!
3. We open the iron doors to a large room which houses a fire containing a magical skull.
4. Past the fire and up some stairs we find a statue of a bull with red eyes and notice pictures on the walls of humans fighting bulls. We quickly find out the bull is a gorgon who charges at us!
5. Diana is presented with a literal gift from the gods. Thank Hera!




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