Previous Episode: #91 – Death Ahead
Next Episode: #93 – Welkin Awoken

Our group of adventurers continue their journey in the D&D campaign “The Dungeon of Doom” Characters of this campaign include: Brack the Deep Gnome Paladin (Eric), Diana the Aasimar Fighter (Lindsay), Brokkr the Dwarf Cleric (Kyle), Murgatroyd the Kenku Warlock (Stephen), and Luke is our fearless DM. #91 – The Prince of Phantasms Highlights include:1. … Continue reading #92 – The Prince of Phantasms

Our group of adventurers continue their journey in the D&D campaign “The Dungeon of Doom”

Characters of this campaign include: Brack the Deep Gnome Paladin (Eric), Diana the Aasimar Fighter (Lindsay), Brokkr the Dwarf Cleric (Kyle), Murgatroyd the Kenku Warlock (Stephen), and Luke is our fearless DM.

#91 – The Prince of Phantasms

Highlights include:
1. The group finds themselves in a meeting with Zaltar who welcomes us to the dungeon of doom!
2. Zaltar offers the group a free weapon, Diana finds this sus.
3. We enter the dungeon and find things aren’t what they seem as the walls move magically!
4. We find the catch to this dungeon…3 short rests are all we have, any more or a long rest results in instant death.
5. As we proceed, we encounter our first puzzle and fight some ghostly figures.

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