A group of six boardgamers dive into the D&D campaign “Hoard of the Dragon Queen” Characters include Petrilus (Barbarian), Sparker (Warlock), Burk (Cleric), Flora (Sorcerer), and Jaquen (Fighter). #54 – You Have a D on Your Face Highlights include: 1. The group (less Sparker) come upon a wagon that’s been knocked over and being attacked by … Continue reading #54 – You Have a D on Your Face

A group of six boardgamers dive into the D&D campaign “Hoard of the Dragon Queen”

Characters include Petrilus (Barbarian), Sparker (Warlock), Burk (Cleric), Flora (Sorcerer), and Jaquen (Fighter).

#54 – You Have a D on Your Face

Highlights include:

1. The group (less Sparker) come upon a wagon that’s been knocked over and being attacked by hobgoblins.

2. Snoozy finds out he’s not as agile as the rest of the group.

3. Petrilus is really rocking it in this hobgoblin fight, guys.

4. Sparker learns of his fate on the other caravan, to say he’s a prisoner is an understatement.

5. Dresamere (formally Drey) confronts Sparker; a battle of wits ensues!

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