A group of six boardgamers dive into the D&D campaign “Hoard of the Dragon Queen” Characters include Petrilus (Barbarian), Sparker (Warlock), Burk (Cleric), Flora (Sorcerer), and Jaquen (Fighter). #46 – I Was Born of a Genie…I Can’t Read Highlights include: 1. The contents of the booby trapped chest are revealed. 2. The group make it out … Continue reading #46 – I Was Born of a Genie…I Can’t Read.

A group of six boardgamers dive into the D&D campaign “Hoard of the Dragon Queen”

Characters include Petrilus (Barbarian), Sparker (Warlock), Burk (Cleric), Flora (Sorcerer), and Jaquen (Fighter).

#46 – I Was Born of a Genie…I Can’t Read

Highlights include:

1. The contents of the booby trapped chest are revealed.

2. The group make it out of the cave and ponders where Flora has gone.

3. Burk tries to learn more about magical items via an unusual method.

4. The gang makes a plan on where to go next.

5. Petrilus provides some details of his origins.

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