A group of six boardgamers dive into the D&D campaign “Hoard of the Dragon Queen” Characters include Petrilus (Barbarian), Sparker (Warlock), Burk (Cleric), Flora (Sorcerer), and Jaquen (Fighter). #43 – I Need Souls and XP…and I’m All Out of Souls Highlights include: 1. Petrilus triggers a trap. 2. Petrilus and Flora go down and one is … Continue reading #43 – I Need Souls and XP…and I’m All Out of Souls

A group of six boardgamers dive into the D&D campaign “Hoard of the Dragon Queen”

Characters include Petrilus (Barbarian), Sparker (Warlock), Burk (Cleric), Flora (Sorcerer), and Jaquen (Fighter).

#43 – I Need Souls and XP…and I’m All Out of Souls

Highlights include:

1. Petrilus triggers a trap.

2. Petrilus and Flora go down and one is on their last death save!

3. The group encounter the half-dragon and Jaquen speaks with him.

4. The group fight several stirges.

5. Petrilus summons several well dressed ghosts.

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