Previous Episode: #219 – I’m Dead.

Do you believe in resurrection? Our next series of episodes will have you humming all the way to the Underdark, for this campaign we’re going back in time to 2017 with Out of the Abyss. Players in this campaign include Jared playing as Jarenor (Paladin), Stephen playing as Kort (Barbarian), Matt playing as Kirito (Rogue), … Continue reading #220 – I Heard ‘Ouch’

Do you believe in resurrection? Our next series of episodes will have you humming all the way to the Underdark, for this campaign we’re going back in time to 2017 with Out of the Abyss.

Players in this campaign include Jared playing as Jarenor (Paladin), Stephen playing as Kort (Barbarian), Matt playing as Kirito (Rogue), Andy playing as Aramil (Cleric), and Eric playing as Crow (Bard); this is the first time Luke DM’s a campaign ever!

Session 9 is webbed up to a conclusion this week. As we last left Kirito, he was all alone, paralyzed and stable. Aramail hears him yell ouch before falling and tries to bring back Turvy before heading to save his BFF. Spiders are webbing up Kirito and trying to drag him away, Turvy is attacked but escapes unharmed. It’s starting to sound like Luke is displeased with how the party went about things this session…

Jarenor (from the grave) has a realization but too little too late there. Aramail calls forth Lathander with all his might but fails to land his attack on the spiders. Kort gathers the shrinking mushrooms so he and Turvy can help on the other side of the wall but by the time they arrive Crow & Aramail are also knocked out. As a badly hurt Kort and Turvy try to save the day, a light from behind them seemingly sears the spiders, sending them packing. The last 2 standing take the opportunity to drag the others back and out of the hole, leaving Aramail in the tunnel–unconscious and alone with only his god to save him. Very cold, Kort.

#220 – I Heard ‘Ouch’

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