Previous Episode: #217 – Madness Awakens
Next Episode: #219 – I’m Dead.

Do you believe in resurrection? Our next series of episodes will have you humming all the way to the Underdark, for this campaign we’re going back in time to 2017 with Out of the Abyss. Players in this campaign include Jared playing as Jarenor (Paladin), Stephen playing as Kort (Barbarian), Matt playing as Kirito (Rogue), … Continue reading #218 – Splitting & Shrinking the Party

Do you believe in resurrection? Our next series of episodes will have you humming all the way to the Underdark, for this campaign we’re going back in time to 2017 with Out of the Abyss.

Players in this campaign include Jared playing as Jarenor (Paladin), Stephen playing as Kort (Barbarian), Matt playing as Kirito (Rogue), Andy playing as Aramil (Cleric), and Eric playing as Crow (Bard); this is the first time Luke DM’s a campaign ever!

Session 9 flies by via arrow from Kirito and hits a large blob-like creature coming out of the water! While it is dispatched fairly easily, another gets the drop (literally) on Jarenor and manages to damage some weapons before getting taken out by the group. As the group is finally ready to move on, they have a decision to make: a door lies ahead but so do a couple other paths, include a small crack in the wall they can barely see into. Crow & Kirito decide to eat a mushroom to shrink them down and explore this semi-hidden path while the others stand watch. Madness hits the duo and Kirito becomes infatuated with Crow, but who isn’t at this point?

Jarenor’s suspicions grow as he tries to escape the remaining group members but Kort stops him. Taking advantage of those suspicions, Kort convinces Jarenor to check out a strange noise behind the door, Turvy & Aramail begrudgingly follow. Jarenor finds a room behind the door with many mushrooms, crates and copper piping, as he moves further into the room initiative has to be rolled.

#218 – Splitting & Shrinking the Party

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