A group of six boardgamers diving into D&D for the very first time beginning with the Starter Set, “Lost Mine of Phandelver” (5th Edition). Characters include Rikr (Paladin), Haera (Wizard), Pumpp (Bard), Sparkershire (Warlock), and Milo (Ranger). #21 – A Costly Rebirth Highlights include: 1. Sparker tests another potion from the Alchemist. 2. Milo is … Continue reading #21 – A Costly Rebirth

A group of six boardgamers diving into D&D for the very first time beginning with the Starter Set, “Lost Mine of Phandelver” (5th Edition).

Characters include Rikr (Paladin), Haera (Wizard), Pumpp (Bard), Sparkershire (Warlock), and Milo (Ranger).

#21 – A Costly Rebirth

Highlights include:

1. Sparker tests another potion from the Alchemist.

2. Milo is convinced Pumpp’s soul is in a skeleton puppet.

3. Sparker and Rikr try to meet with the High Priest after Milo fails.

4. Sparker seeks information about the Dark Essence.

5. Milo bargains with a Druid to help bring Pumpp back to life.

6. Rikr speaks to the High Priest in hopes to resurrect Pumpp.

7. The group counts their coinage to see if they can afford a resurrection spell.

8. The High Priest makes a decision…

9. The group meets Milo’s parents.

10. Sparker purchases his new mount, Jasmine 2!

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