Welcome to our next epic adventure! Ghosts of Saltmarsh is our new campaign, but will our players be the heroes this town needs? Players and their characters in this campaign include: Andy playing as Ulf, the Human Barbarian; Eric playing as Nameless, the Human Wizard; Jared playing as Donavahn ‘Skipper’ Wereclaw, the Shifter Fighter; Jordan … Continue reading #173 – Amphitritii Merren aka Anii

Welcome to our next epic adventure! Ghosts of Saltmarsh is our new campaign, but will our players be the heroes this town needs?

Players and their characters in this campaign include: Andy playing as Ulf, the Human Barbarian; Eric playing as Nameless, the Human Wizard; Jared playing as Donavahn ‘Skipper’ Wereclaw, the Shifter Fighter; Jordan playing as Ashe Morek, the Human Artificer; Matt playing as Natas Drock, the Satyr Bard; Luke will again be running the campaign which will include some special guests coming soon!

#173 – Amphitritii Merren aka Anii

Session 4, Part 1: Our session begins with Natas & Ashe visiting the council where Natas learns of a seat opening up very soon. Word about town is that there’s a navigator at the Procan temple who speaks Draconic who could help speak to the captured Lizardfolk prisoner being held by our group. With little to no fanfare our first special guest is introduced and taken to meet the prisoner so I’ll give her the proper introduction she deserves here…Our very special guest this session is Lindsay! She’s playing Amphitritii Merren aka Anii the Gnome Sorcerer. Anii is in her prime and the age of 200 and is a worshiper at the Procan Temple; Anii is well known and respected in the town as a ship navigator, she is hired by ships to accompany them at sea and use her powers to shield the ships from bad weather or help them get where they’re going faster. A ship has never gone down on her watch and she does quite a bit to make Saltmarsh a better place; in this writer’s opinion she’s done far more for the town than the party-loving council members.

On our group’s ship we meet Wetz played by Eric this week, Anii struggles to speak to Wetz despite the fact they are speaking the same language. We learn of the Sahuagin, sea creatures that attacked the village where Wetz lives and hear of how he and the other Lizardfolk were sent to buy weapons to help protect what’s left of their population. While waiting around on the ship Anii hears a hum and finds a hidden compartment with a book and magic orb of mysterious origin.

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