Welcome to a new, somewhat mini-adventure! Vines of Wrath (VoW for short) is a multi-night campaign/side quest with a smaller group of all new adventurers, but are they up to the challenge? Characters of this campaign include: XT-17 the Warforged Fighter played by Luke, Gooflin the Human Monk played by Eric, Yenni the Hexblood Druid … Continue reading #162 – VoW: The Coven’s Lair

Welcome to a new, somewhat mini-adventure! Vines of Wrath (VoW for short) is a multi-night campaign/side quest with a smaller group of all new adventurers, but are they up to the challenge?

Characters of this campaign include: XT-17 the Warforged Fighter played by Luke, Gooflin the Human Monk played by Eric, Yenni the Hexblood Druid played by Jordan, with Stephen helming the game.

#162 – VoW: The Coven’s Lair

*Warning: The audio this week is going to sound a bit worse than previous episodes. The final session was recorded on Roll20 but the recording failed so we had to use a backup recording, we tried to level it as best we could but there are some quieter and louder spots. Also, this recording is filled with lots of dings/bloops/pings from Stephen’s computer and the voice changer used in previous episodes doesn’t come through as well. Sorry for the quality but we’ll be back to normal with our Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign!

The finale is here and it begins with initiative being rolled! Villagers are being mind controlled and a few “hideous hags” step into our plane of existence (Side note: if the word ‘hag’ annoys you like it does me, buckle up friends!). The fight rages on but our group’s combat tactics are questionable. Gooflin gets knocked out but he won’t go down that easily; Yenni gets an interesting offer after one of the witches meets their demise…

The battle comes to an end and the campaign is resolved, is it a happy ending though? Make sure to listen all the way to the end or else you’ll miss the fate of XT’s young friend Johnny!

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