A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires” Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), Ildahn the Goliath Warlock (Jordan) and Luke is once again our fearless … Continue reading #151 – Running, For Dramatic Effect

A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires”

Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), Ildahn the Goliath Warlock (Jordan) and Luke is once again our fearless DM.

#151 – Running, For Dramatic Effect

Highlights include:
1. Going further into the cave the rest of the group meet Tamsyn at a dome covered in eyes, still no sign of the big spider that escaped.
2. Powell pulls out a glass eye to investigate and a wall moves out of the way. A lock stops their path forward, Squeeb stops Ildahn from breaking it but Powell votes for breaking it and does so.
3. Behind a curtain reveals a dead portal along with a skeleton of what looks like an adventurer from a time long past.
4. Tamsyn inspects the out-of-commission portal and accidently brings it back up to full operating power…whoops! Another dimension is revealed, tentacles come out and attack Tamsyn–pulling her in!
5. As Tamsyn struggles with the tentacles, she can see the face of the monster getting close to the surface. She unleashes a list ditch shot to break the orb and shut down the portal once again!

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