A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires” Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), Ildahn the Goliath Warlock (Jordan) and Luke is once again our fearless … Continue reading #137 – Danger: Death Inside

A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires”

Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), Ildahn the Goliath Warlock (Jordan) and Luke is once again our fearless DM.

#137 – Danger: Death Inside

Highlights include:
1. Ildahn finally puts his armor on! The party then regroups and tries to get a plan together, they decide to clear the last unchecked room to avoid any further ambushes here.
2. The final room finds a bubbling cauldron & 2 naked men who are cooking (sounds dangerous). Tamsyn inspects the men to find they had holes in the heads from bugs but no bugs remain. Action is taken.
3. Tamsyn reviews the books and papers she’s gathered thus far – the papers are again signed by Alicia!
4. Token checks ahead and finds some goblins tucked into their beds, their room also has a table pushed up against another door in the room with a warning over it. Plans change as Token opens the door unleashing zombies on the snoozing goblins.
5. With the goblins and then zombies dispatched, combat is once again over. Checking out the zombie room, a parchment with the charm spell is found but nothing else of value.

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