A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires” Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), Ildahn the Goliath Warlock (Jordan) and Luke is once again our fearless … Continue reading #134 – Three Doors Down

A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires”

Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), Ildahn the Goliath Warlock (Jordan) and Luke is once again our fearless DM.

#134 – Three Doors Down

Note from super-duper-podcast-producer Lindsay: We have a new PC at the table starting this week! Welcome Ildahn the Goliath Warlock being played by Jordan. There was also a pretty long hiatus between episode 133 & 134, due to Covid our group took about an 8 month break from the campaign so if it sounds like everyone forgot what they’re doing here…well you’d be correct. Enjoy getting back to the adventure with our group, as always I’ll be here alive and well holding your hand

Highlights include:
1. We begin this episode at a cave, showed to the group by Dawn. Squeeb sees a cave entrance ahead by 3 doors. Checking behind one door reveals a torture device, cage & blood everywhere with a man on a stretcher.
2. The mysterious man on the stretcher is a Goliath Warlock named Ildahn, he’s coming into the campaign badly hurt and without his gear…what a welcome.
3. Wolves are approaching the group but a well place hunting trap gets one. They smell the group but Token tries to lead them away by opening one of the other doors.
4. Powell has a new power to flex and he tries to discern if this new guy is good news or bad. Unfortunately with this spell it may not have been a good idea to do it inside a torture chamber.
5. Powell then gets to know Ildahn a bit more…intimately while Tamsyn finds and returns Ildahn’s belongings. She also finds some other interesting items that could be a bad omen.

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