A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires” Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), and Luke is once again our fearless DM. #127 – You Gonna … Continue reading #127 – You Gonna Live Here?

A new group of adventurers set forth on a journey in the D&D campaign “Fallen Empires”

Characters of this campaign include: Powell the Goliath Paladin (Eric), Squeeb the Deep Gnome Wizard (Stephen), Token the Mousefolk Rogue (Matt), Tamsyn the Wood Elf Ranger (Andy), and Luke is once again our fearless DM.

#127 – You Gonna Live Here?

Highlights include:
1. A large boom shakes the tower followed by silence and then a rumbling roar. Initiative is rolled in a battle against the goblins at the top of the tower.
2. Token nears death once again but makes a major comeback to deal the killing blow to Glubnose.
3. The dragon appears! She lets loose a breath of fire at the remaining goblins, killing them swiftly. Treasures fill the room but the group is warned to leave the treasure and leave this tower–They heed her warning.
4. The group heads downstairs quickly and tries to meet back up in the first room in the tower by the exit, Token is no where to be found.
5. Tamsyn and Squeeb run from the tower as they hear the dragon’s roars; Powell casually walks out? Seems like a weird time to try and prove your innocence to a dragon but logic prevails and he runs as well.

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