I have to tell you, in the week since last week’s episode aired, the response has been overwhelming!

I have hardly begun to chip away at the amazing responses, emails, DMs, even notes in the mail from people who just wanted to show support and share their own similar experiences.

When it comes to health, it’s never one size fits all. So if it inspires you to start looking under the surface and gives you a starting place, I’m so incredibly happy! And thank you for the immense amount of support and love!

I know that what I’m facing doesn’t even hold a candle to what so many face, to what many of you face. I share it because it’s my experience and I hope it can help someone.

So today, the story continues to unfold. 

Today, I share more about the root of my struggles, what I’ve learned that has blown me away and what I’m doing next.

Like I mentioned in part 1, I ain’t yo doctor. Do your own digging and personalize an approach that’s in line with your health needs and your team of experts that you trust.

If you haven’t listened to part 1, I recommend you do that first because this episode won’t make much sense without it.

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me!
