How do you know if your one-on-ones are effective? In this episode, we’re diving deep into one-on-ones with our guest, Jason Evanish. Jason Evanish is the founder and CEO of GetLighthouse, a company that’s focused on helping develop great leaders by enabling better one-on-ones. Jason is passionate about helping teams build strong relationships, and it starts with building trust through one-on-ones. What are the three elements of a successful one-on-one? Listen in as Jason breaks it down.

Wes’ Takeaways:
1. The top 10% of managers have regular, well-executed, one-on-ones.
2. One-on-ones are for building trust, not giving status updates.
3. Remote 1:1s are different, and that’s okay.
4. Make sure you’re using this time for clear expectation setting.