Today on the podcast, JT is joined by Dandapani.  Dandapani is a Hindu priest, entrepreneur and a former monk of 10 years. His mission is to help people live a life of purpose and joy by empowering them with tools and teachings that have been used by Hindu monks for thousands of years. He works with entrepreneurs globally and companies such as Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Nike, Trivago, and Xero in cultivating focus and managing energy. He and his wife are also passionately creating a 33-acre spiritual sanctuary and botanical garden in Costa Rica to further their mission.

In this episode JT and Dandapani cover the topic of focus from many different angles.  Dandapani shares the hidden pitfalls of splitting your energy among too many things, the key to unlocking unshakable focus, and his unique perspective on why the life of an entrepreneur and a monk aren’t that different.  He also speaks into a troubling trend he’s noticed that is robbing ‘successful’ people from living a fulfilled life and why growing your consciousness is a requirement for scaling your business in today’s world.


Interesting Points Covered:

Why “opportunity” is one of the biggest threats to your business How to uncover your true goal, so you can align 100% of your energy behind it The path of the monk + entrepreneur–– and how they’re more similar than you’d think Why entrepreneurs tend to grow faster in their consciousness than the general public The power of switching from externally seeking answers to generating them internally


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