Jake Woodhouse is a member of the current EFLD10 cohort. Up to this point on the podcast I’ve spoken to EF Co-Founders Matt Clifford and Alice Bentinck as well as the founders of some of EF’s most exciting companies. 

But who better to speak to get a flavour of what EF actually does than someone in the middle of the current cohort in London – and that’s exactly what today’s episode with Jake is all about.

Jake studied Management at University before working in the shipping industry for several years as a broker. He then developed an interest in startups, pursuing deals as an angel investor and launching his own energy tech startup before joining EF’s tenth London cohort that started at the beginning of April 2018.

In this episode Jake and I discuss:

- The initial experiences of the EF cohort at the program’s kick off weekend
- The co-founder dating process on the program and the importance of having tough conversations
- Jake’s insights into the balance between theory and practice in entrepreneurship 

This was a great first hand insight into the EF experience and what it’s actually like to be on the cohort, so you’ll definitely get an understanding of the mechanics of the EF process and some great insights into everything from finding a co-founder to developing a product.