Bob Moesta served his apprentice in Japan with W. Edwards Demming. He is a product designer, serial entrepreneur who had to learn how to sell out of necessity. Surprised his MBA programme taught finance, HR and marketing but not selling, he applied his engineer's mind to the sales process to build a sales approach that satisfies what users and customers need and want, #DemandSideSales.

You will want to bring a notepad and pen to this episode. Not a minute goes by without a usable insight, fresh thinking and ideas that will help you to accelerate your company's growth without losing control.

Bob's thinking is fresh, clear and unconventional. He understands human beings with more clarity than most. He understand their motivations and demotivations. And he is above all, practical. No fluffy theory. His ideas have been tested in the crucible of the real world, with real customers and real problems.

Few people I have interviewed make as much sense as Bob. Seriously, download this and listen to it frequently. You will derive massive value each time and every time you will learn something new.

Bob Moesta -

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