Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom! Today, we’re running down a list of a few must-read books that can help you get back on track, maximize your workday, and calm the chaos. 


First is a favorite: the 12 Week year. This one is sure to help you break down your work schedule in a way that will get you where you need to be with your business. 


Another is Profit First. While the title can seem a little scary, this book will definitely change how you view business growth. 


Miracle Morning is a game-changing book. It’ll help you restructure your mornings so you can maximize that time.


Getting Things Done is a book that will help take some of the stress out of being productive.


Building a StoryBrand lends itself to helping you create a brand that’s crystal clear.


What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast is a textbook that acts as a guide to taking over your early mornings.


Sprint is a playbook of how you can solve big problems in little time–super useful!


Virtual Freedom is a great book if you’re looking to bring on some new help.


Blog Inc. is a great place to start if you’re looking to make your blogging profitable.


Key Takeaways:


You can take this information and make it work for you.  Audio Books are just as effective as physical copies! If there’s a book that really resonates with you, get a physical copy and take notes!









